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Cyprus is the third largest and third-most populous island in the Mediterranean Sea, located at the crossroads of three continents: Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is a member state of the European Union and part of the Eurozone.

Cyprus has a thriving and stable economy underpinned by a highly developed socioeconomic infrastructure, advanced telecommunications, and high-quality consulting services in law, accounting, and auditing. Its highly beneficial tax regime, favorable business environment, efficient infrastructure (including modern airports, ports, energy reserves, and road networks), and sound banking system make Cyprus an ideal destination for headquartering businesses.

Besides its natural beauty, Cyprus offers a slower pace of life in a safe environment, making it ideal for peaceful family living. Value Penguin ranked Cyprus 5th among smaller countries in its “Safest Countries in the World” study for 2015. The relatively low cost of living, exceptional healthcare system, excellent educational system, low crime rate (the lowest in Europe), pleasant Mediterranean climate with year-round sunshine, unrivaled local cuisine, hundreds of miles of unspoiled beaches, and rich cultural and historical heritage make Cyprus an attractive destination for permanent residence, a second home, or property investment. Indicatively, Cyprus was also ranked the 5th Best Relocation Destination worldwide in the 2013 Knight Frank Global Lifestyle Review.